#30days30waysuk – Flood Aware
Be flood aware and check whether your property is at risk of flooding: http://bit.ly/checkFloodRiskEngland You could be impacted by tidal, river or surface water flooding.
For more information on what to do during and after a flood, visit the Environment Agency website: https://flood-warning-information.service.gov.uk/what-to-do-in-a-flood
If you’ve identified that your property or business is at risk you should:
- Sign up to receive flood warnings: http://bit.ly/SignUp4FloodWarnings and take a moment to understand what the different warnings means
- Check your home insurance policies are adequate
- Ensure seals around doors & windows are water tight
- Invest in flood resilience measures
- Complete a Household Emergency Plan and prepare an Emergency Kit: https://www.norfolkprepared.gov.uk/preparing-your-home/
- Take pictures of valuable items and copies of important documents – keep this in your Grab Bag
- You can find more information on how to prepare for a flood here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuuGFPSZEvY