Looking after yourself

It is important to look after yourself during this difficult period. See below for tips and advice regarding mental health, exercise and protecting yourself from scams.

Mental health and wellbeing

Mind offers excellent advice on how to look after your mental health and wellbeing.

It can help you if you’re feeling anxious or worried about coronavirus and you are staying at home or avoiding public places.

Keep active

Active Norfolk has advice and guidance on how children and adults can stay active at home. It includes home exercises for older people.

Be aware of scams

Norfolk Trading Standards has the most up to date information on coronavirus scams and how to report any scams. If someone offers you help, only use someone you know and trust.

Make sure you use your common sense if someone offers you help. Never give anyone your cash card and PIN. Always give either cash or a cheque and ask for a receipt. If someone is doing shopping for you, make sure you provide them with a list and a budget, based on what you can afford.