Helping you in an emergency

The Norfolk Resilience Forum (NRF) has been set up to provide information to the public to warn and inform about emergencies. Our aim is to make you aware when there is a risk of an emergency and what our planned response will be and also to provide you with information and advice as necessary at the time of an emergency.

We’re working behind the scenes to bring you a new website with even more information on preparing for emergencies in Norfolk!  In the meantime to find more information on preparing for specific risks click the know your risks tab.

We hope you will find this website of assistance and interest.

Latest news

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Information about Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Flood warnings

Latest tweets from @NorfolkPrepared

About us

The Norfolk Resilience Forum (NRF) provides information to the public to help them plan and prepare for an emergency that may affect our county.

Preparing your home

Emergencies happen.  Find out how you and your family can prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies.

Preparing your business

Whether you are a large or SME business, have you got the ability to respond swiftly to an emergency?

Preparing your community

Community Resilience – using local resources and knowledge to help themselves during an emergency.

Emergency advice for children

Ready Eddy the Emergency Teddy

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