Ready Home #30Days30WaysUK

Through the last #30Days30WaysUK we have looked at various ways you can better prepare inside and outside your household. Emergencies are rare but they can occur and can be unexpected. Let’s re-cap the ways your household can prepare:

👨‍👩‍👧Prepare Kids – create kids their own emergency plan and get them involved in the planning and practicing escape routes: Prepared Kids #30days30waysuk – Norfolk Resilience Forum (

🐕Prepared Pets – pets are part of the family and can be overlooked in emergency plans, think about what you would do with them in an emergency and safe places for them to go: Prepared Pets #30days30waysuk – Norfolk Resilience Forum (

🔍Escape routes – think about the fastest and most practical escape routes for your home and test them regularly: Safe Escape – Norfolk Resilience Forum (

⚡️Its also important to prepare for specific events such as power cuts and look at your flood risk online to consider if this needs to be a key area of preparedness for your household also. You can look up your flood risk here: Find out if you’re at risk of flooding in England – (