Norfolk Prepared Learning

Welcome to the Norfolk Prepared Learning Page

On this page you’ll find links to access a variety of resilience related training courses.

A note about our introduction to resilience e-learning:

Our ‘introduction to local resilience and response in Norfolk’ has been produced to develop and enhance integrated emergency management knowledge.

The training won’t take more than 45 minutes to complete, and will provide you with an understanding of local resilience in Norfolk and how we respond to major incidents.  The training is aimed at Norfolk Resilience Forum (NRF) partners, but is open for anyone with an interest in resilience to complete.

If you are an responder in Norfolk, and intend on completing further NRF training (talk to your Emergency Planner about opportunities), you will need to work through the assessment (linked below) at the end of the training and achieve at least an 80% pass rate before you can progress.

Please note: you do need to click on all of the interactive elements within the e-learning to be able to progress to the next page – make sure you’ve clicked on all the arrows to expand the text.

Use the buttons below to navigate to the training courses.